Since i'm young, the betta fish is one of me and my friend pet. In that time we found that we can have this fish everywhere from the rice field to a store( Yes, I say in the rice field! ). It's very easy to keep the betta in a very small space like in my room. we feed them with a wriggling animalcule. we make a compete who can growing them bigger and faster.. soon we try to breeding them.. 20 years later the betta pull me back to them again.
​Now today, We have many type of betta, many tank mate, many condition for the betta to live. following with so many question about betta from beginner to pro around the world .
I am BettaCo.
Passion. Betta.
Base in Thailand. We consolidate informations about the betta. Make its better to share the good moment and information to another betta fish keeper or breeder friends.
​Make a change. BettaCo and our partners provide informations and services for the betta. Here you can easily to find out your question and solve the problem. Feel free to keep your betta healthy and be happy.